Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Assignment 2. A halfway through retrospective

So I've been asked to blog about my feelings regarding assignment two for OOP344.
Which is problematic really since I haven't DONE anything for it beyond a very basic skeleton. The function I'm in charge of requires another function to be complete so that I can inherit from it so until that gets finished there's not much I can do. the group I have seems good. I think all of us made it past the dropoff date and we all seem to know what we're doing so I figure I can get to work on building and debugging the function soon but until then there's nothing I can really say.

Overall I dislike this group based structure. While I see the POINT of it I can't help but think it's going to hamper up in the long run. Since this course has no actual labs in it and the assignment is so broken up by the group we can go the entire semester without any practical experience with entire groups of concepts we're supposed to be learning. I guess we're supposed to be doing things on our own but lets be honest, we have other projects and labs for other courses and as college students, we're lazy. Without any structured requirements to practice the skills most of us won't and when the final exam comes I foresee a lot of people not knowing what their doing.